WLABEL is a programme that determines the regulatory classification and labelling requirements for all products commercialised by the chemical industry.
WLABEL provides :
- A calculation engine that provides up to 3 simultaneous labeling for formulation according to the classification rules described in European CLP Regulation, the Globally Harmonised System (GHS) of the United Nations, the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) of OSHA for Americans.
- A dangerous substances database with harmonized classification under Annex VI of the CLP Regulation 1272/2008
- A database of substances based on the IFRA-IOFI Labelling Manual 2015.
- A database of nutritional flavours and additives.
- Management of self-classification of substances that do not have a harmonised classification.
- Access to concentration limits for every substance in the database.
- Management of your own raw materials, semi-finished products and mixtures in their respective databases.
- Access to a database of regulatory statements (H, P and EUH) translated into over 35 available languages.
- Management of toxicological, ecotoxicological and ecological test results.
- Management of physicochemical properties and usage characteristics linked to formulations.
- A module to automatically update labels that can generate reports on the required label changes following modifications to the regulations or variations in the formulation.
- A multi-factorial selection system in each database with results available for export to Excel or for printing.
- Instant translation of recorded data into all the available languages.
- The ability to import different levels of a formulation from your existing IT system (substances, raw materials, semi-finished and finished products). Label and formulation data export.