Automatic generation of various documents in conjunction with Microsoft Word (2007 + version)
Declaration of allergens
Automatic generation of a document showing the percentage of allergens and substances in mixtures.
Declaration for poison centers
Automatic generation of a document mentioning the 100% composition of a mixture and providing the list of substances in descending order of concentration.
CMR Declaration
Automatic generation of a document listing the CMR substances in a mixture with their respective concentration in the mixture.
IFRA certificate of Compliance
Automatic generation of a certificate of IFRA by the standards of the 48th amendment of the code of practice of the International Fragrance Association.
Cosmetics certificate of compliance
Automatic generation of a cosmetic certificate of conformity according to annex II to VI of Regulation 2008/42 / EC.
Technical sheet for flavorings
Automatic generation of the technical specifications of a flavor (food allergens, food additives, type of flavoring substances, GMOs, BSE, treatment with ionizing radiation, ...).
Custom technical sheet
Automatic generation of the data sheet of a mixture, to set our technical team.
Quali Quanti Document